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How To Fix MSVCR110.DLL Is Missing Error in Windows 10/8/7

In this tutorial, learn how to fix msvcr110.dll is missing in Windows 10/8/7.

When launching programs or loading games on your Windows PC, you may get the error below:

If the msvcr110.dll is missing error happens on your PC, this tutorial can fix MSVCR110.dll is missing easily and quickly.

You can refer how to fix missing DLL files in Windows 10 from this tutorial.

How To Fix MSVCR110.dll is missing in Windows 10/8/7

Method 1. Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages

The msvcr110.dll is a part of Microsoft Visual C++. If msvcr110.dll is missing (or msvcr110.dll is not found), you won’t be able to launch programs or games that require Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. To fix this problem, you can reinstall the package in your Windows PC.

Step 1. Go to the Microsoft website to download the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 package. Choose your language, and click Download.

Step 2. Select the file you need to download based on your Windows version and click Next (vcredist_x86.exe is for 32-bit and vcredist_x64.exe is for 64-bit).

Step 3. Once the file has finished downloading, install it.

Step 4. Restart your PC and then check if the problem is solved.

Method 2. Download and place the missing msvcr110.dll file yourself

If msvcr110.dll is missing or not found in your Windows PC, you can fix your problem by downloading the missing msvcr110.dll file from the internet and pasting it to a particular place. To do that, follow these steps below:

Step 1. Go to this source to download the msvcr110.dll file.

Step 2. After that, download the msvcr110.dll file according to your Windows PC:

– For Windows 32-Bit -> choose 32-Bit File
– For Windows 64-Bit -> choose 64 Bit File

Step 3. Now, extract the msvcr110.dll file from the downloaded Zip-File/s.

Step 4. Copy the msvcr110.dll file then paste to C:\Windows\System32 in your Windows PC.

Step 5. Restart your Windows. Then launch the same program or game to check if it works.


Hope something helps you.

See also:

How To Fix MSVCR110.DLL Is Missing Error in Windows 10/8/7
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