In this article, learn how to fix “PUBG Lite is Unavailable in your Region” error.
On the official website, they are written that PUBG LITE servers are opened for SOUTH ASIA servers but after downloading and installing the game it shows “PUBG Lite is unavailable in your region“. Well, in this tutorial, we’ll try to answer this question and hopefully see the method to resolve this problem.

PUBG Lite is unavailable in your region
How To Fix “PUBG lite in Unavailable in your Region” Error on PC (Windows 10/8/7)
Step 1. To begin, download TunnelBear VPN from this source. TunnelBear VPN is the best free VPN for PUBG PC Lite. It has lots of location selection from.
See more: Top 10 Best VPNs For Windows 10
Step 2. Install TunnelBear VPN on your PC.
Step 3. Once it’s installed, run it and select a country and flip the switch.
Tips: You can now use 9 other countries VPN servers as PUBG Lite have been expanded to these countries as well – Philippines, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos.
Step 4. To use VPN of any of these available countries you need to change your PC time zone to the time zone of that country.
Step 5. Once you’re connected, launch PUBG lite.