In this article, we go over the best PS1 emulator for PC. PSXeven is one of the best PlayStation emulators. In my blog, we have shared PSXeven 0.19 download link.
PSXeven is a Playstation emulator created by Xeven. It has a simple user interface that caters to beginner and advanced users. The emulator also features a built in memory card manager, and a great Game image compression tool. You do however need a PSX BIOS to get it to run.

PSXeven 0.19
Download PSXeven – PSX Emulator for Windows 10/8/7
You can download PSXeven 0.19 from this source.
What’s New in PSXeven 0.19:
– modified gpu timing opting for a “slower” update
– fixed spu_freeze crash at exit
– added spu_freeze for window “X” or close button
– fixed vagrant story in-game crash, due to translator memory alignment error.
– increased savestate number to 9 for the savestate crazy people.
– fixed crash-on exit bug caused by libbz2
– added the missing delete/markfree functions for the memcard manager
– fixed YUV to RGB conversion so that it doesn’t cause crash on glitches (FF9)
– removed autoset.ini file since it confused some people
– replaced old “dos” box with a custom terminal (since I often get complaints that it’s ugly or whatever). This terminal enables you to do some things not present in the GUI including saving custom configurations by using the ‘REG’ command.
How To Setup PSXeven – Play Playstation 1 games on your PC
1. First, download PSXeven 0.19. There is no installation process for PSXeven. You extract the files from the archive and then run PSXeven from the same folder.
2. To run PSXeven, you need a PSX Bios file. Go to Config > Bios File to specify bios location.
3. Now that PSXeven is ready, you can select your favorite PS1 games and play them on PC.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to configure/set up PS1 emulator on PC with PSXeven
System requirements:
- Processor: Minimum Pentium 200 MHz
- RAM: Minimum 256 MB RAM
- Graphics card: 3D graphics card supporting DirectX or OpenGL
- Operating system: Windows 10/8/7
Hope something helps you.