In this article, learn how to fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error on Google Chrome browser when trying to access some websites.

This page isn’t working. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
You’ll see this error when the page has tried to redirect you too many times.
How To Fix “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” Error on Google Chrome Browser
First things first, I highly recommended you remove Google Chrome Cookies cache. Because it may be a caching issue that is causing the website to not work properly. To fix this connection error, trying clear your cookies.
Step 1. Open Google Chrome browser.
Step 2. Then you copy and paste “chrome://settings/clearBrowserData” on the address bar of the Google Chrome browser and press Enter.
Step 3. Make sure you are clearing items from the Beginning of time. Then select Cookies and other site data. Click the Clear browsing data button.
This article, learn how to fix “This webpage has a redirect loop” or “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” error when you are trying to open a Webpage on Google Chrome browser.
Step 4. After that, add ” https:// ” in front of the url and reload the tab.
Step 5. You can now exit and re-open Google Chrome and check if the problem has resolved.
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Check following video for live demo:
That’s it! If you have any other Google Chrome errors you can see for the solution on Windows 10 tips.