Want to see the current song playing on your desktop, complete with lyrics and controls? Sunamu is an excellent application for both Linux and Windows.
It’s a free, open-source music controller whose sole objective is to make secondary displays seem as nice as possible. When you play a song, the album cover, basic music information, and synchronized lyrics are displayed on your desktop.

Sunamu widget – Personalize decent desktop view
Simply moving your mouse pointer over it will reveal the playback controls. You can move it around the screen by dragging it. You can also resize or maximize it by dragging and touching the screen edges with GNOME’s tiling capability.
Edit the configuration file: /.config/sunamu/config.json5. It allows you to display the widget remotely on your TV, mobile phone, and any other devices connected to the same network. All you have to do is type ‘ip-address:3000’ into your web browser’s address bar.
Sunamu also has the following characteristics:
- Obtain a Spotify link for each song you listen to.
- Get a GOOD Discord Rich Presence.
- Bragging Rights for your Music Taste.
How to Download Sunamu
The application delivers official binary packages for Windows, Debian/Ubuntu, RedHat/Fedora, Arch, and other Linux distributions.
Download Sunamu (under Assets)
For Linux users, either download the AppImage package or navigate to the file “Properties” via the right-click menu and make it executable under the ‘Permissions’ tab.
Alternatively, you can download and install a.deb package for Debian, Ubuntu, or Linux Mint, a.rpm package for RedHat, Fedora, or openSUSE, or a.pacman package for Arch and Manjaro Linux.
Keep an eye on the architecture of your packages. Aarch64/arm64 refers to ARM devices; contemporary PCs with Intel/AMD processors are often 64-bit (amd64).