Looking to download VBA-M Emulator For GBA? In Windows10freeapps, we have shared Visual Boy Advance for Windows or Visual Boy Advance for Mac download link.
In this Instructable, learn how to download and use the VisualBoy Advance emulator to play your favorite GameBoy Advance games on PC.

VisualBoyAdvance – Gameboy Advance Emulator for Windows
VisualBoyAdvance (VBA) is a free emulator of the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance handheld game consoles as well as of Super Game Boy and Super Game Boy 2.
Read more: Download Dolphin Emulator For PC
Download Visual Boy Advance For PC (Windows 10/8/7 and Mac)
Download Visualboyadvance M 2.3 for Windows 32 bit click here.
Download Visualboyadvance M 2.3 for Windows 64 bit click here.
Download Visualboyadvance M 2.3 for MacOS 32 bit click here now.
Download Visualboyadvance M 2.3 for MacOS 64 bit click here now.
How To Play GameBoy Advance Games on Your PC
Step 1. To begin, download Visual Boy Advance for PC.
Step 2. To download Nintendo Gameboy Advance ROMs visit site.
Step 3. Launch VBA-M GBA emulator and open load game
To run the ROMs, follow these below steps:
1. After you install VisualBoy Advance, launch it.
2. Click File > Open
3. Find the ROM file, and click open.

Play GameBoy Advance Games on Your PC
Now you can play GBA Games on PC or Mac.
System Requirements For VBA-M Emulator:
If you want to download and install VBA-M Emulator on PC, here are the minimum recommended requirements for VisualBoy Advance.
- Windows XP/7/8/10 or MacOSX.
- CPU: min. 700 MHz for GBA emulation, CPU requirements increase if filters or other improvements are enabled
- Your PC must have 4GB of RAM/main memory.
- You need to install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Play GBA Games on PC (Windows 10/8/7) Using VisualBoy Advance