Download latest version (v3.0.15) of FBReader for PC/Laptop (Windows 10/8/7 and Mac) directly from Windows10freeapps for free now.
FBReader is a popular multi-platform ebook reader. Major e-book formats are ePub (including main features of ePub3), unencrypted Kindle azw3 (a.k.a. mobipocket) and fb2(.zip).

FBReader for PC
Key Features of FBReader For PC Free Download:
– Offers access to popular network libraries that contain a large set of ebooks.
– Supports popular ebook formats: ePub, fb2, mobi, rtf, html, plain text, and a lot of other formats.
– Highly customizable. Choose colors, fonts, page turning animations, dictionaries, bookmarks, etc. to make reading as convenient as you want.
In my website, you can find the links through which you can get FBReader on Android and iOS devices:
Download Full Version of FBReader For PC (Windows 10/8/7 and Mac)
File Name: FBReader
Author: FBReader.ORG Limited
App Version: v3.0.15
How To Install FBReader on PC (Windows 10/8/7)
If you are looking for installing FBReader app on your PC, then you will need to install Android emulators such as Bluestacks. Without emulator, you can not use FBReader app on Windows PC or Laptop.
1. To begin, check this link to download Bluestacks emulator.
2. Install Bluestacks emulator on your PC.
3. Run Bluestacks emulator, and then login with your Google Play Store account.
4. Then, go to the Google Play Store and look for ”FBReader“. You will see search result for FBReader app for PC, install it into your PC and wait until it’s completed.

Download and Install FBReader For PC (Windows 10/8/7 and Mac)
Or import the .apk file that you’ve downloaded from the link on above this post with Bluestacks. Right-click on the FBReader APK for PC file and open with BlueStacks APK Installer.
5. Now you can launch and use FBReader on PC, just like FBReader for PC version.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Download and Install FBReader app in PC (Windows 10/8/7)