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Facebook Messenger Delayed Messages or Notification

The social media behemoth’s popularity has soared since it changed its name to Meta. Facebook Messenger is the Facebook application’s official messaging program. Its services are extremely similar to WhatsApp’s, in that they keep you in touch with your loved ones through text messaging.

Unlike any other messaging network, Facebook Messenger allows you to send and receive messages with your friends for free, and it has no restrictions. Messenger, on the other hand, is getting more prone to faults and problems as its usability improves. One of them is the issue with Facebook Messenger’s delayed messages or notifications. Fortunately, just like any other minor difficulty, this one can be resolved with a few simple solutions.

As a result, in this article, we’ll discuss how to resolve the issue of Facebook Messenger delayed messages or notifications. So without further ado, let’s get this party started.

How To Fix Facebook Messenger Delayed Messages or Notification Issue

Although the problem appears to be complex, the answers are quite basic and clear. Here are a few options for resolving the issue of Facebook Messenger delayed messages or notifications.

Fix 1: Double-check your Internet connection.

We shall begin with the most basic workaround, which is to check your internet connection. It’s possible that your smartphone isn’t connected to the internet if you’re receiving notifications and messages on time on the Facebook website that you’ve opened on your PC but not on your Facebook Messenger app. Check your internet connection, even if it’s connected.

You can try toggling on and off airplane mode on your smartphone, which is one of the finest ways to strengthen any network.

Fix 2: Update Facebook Messenger

If you’re having trouble receiving Facebook Messenger messages or getting notifications on your Android phone, likely, you haven’t updated the app in a long time. As an Android user, you should always keep any application loaded on your phone up to date. However, as a workaround, go to the Google Play Store and see if there is a Facebook Messenger update available. If that’s the case, you’ll need to download the update to fix the problem.

Fix 3: Delete Facebook Messenger Data and Cache

It’s critical to constantly empty the cache data of any app on your smartphone regularly. It not only frees up a significant amount of space on your smartphone but also ensures that your program is clear of problems and errors. So, here are the actions you need to take to clear Facebook Messenger’s cache data.

1. Go to the settings of your smartphone.

2. Select “App Management” from the drop-down menu.

3. “App List” should be selected.

4. From the list of apps on your phone, choose Facebook Messenger.

5. Select “Storage Usage” from the drop-down menu.

6. Select “Clear Cache” from the drop-down menu.

This is how you may clear Facebook Messenger’s cache data. If the problem persists, you can try deleting all data from Facebook Messenger. Here’s how to delete data from Facebook Messenger.

1. To clear cache data, return to the “Storage Usage” window that you previously viewed.

2. Now press the “Clear Data” button.

Although cleaning the Facebook Messenger data has a good possibility of resolving the problem, keep in mind that anything kept on your smartphone that is related to the Messenger app will be erased. As a result, you’ll have to start from scratch.

Fix 4: Restart Your Smartphone

A transient problem on your smartphone may be the cause of a Facebook Messenger app that takes significantly longer to send notifications or messages. Not only Messenger but any application on your device could be affected by such brief issues. As a workaround, restart your device.

These are all the fundamental remedies you can try to resolve the issue of Facebook Messenger delayed messages or notifications. If the problem remains, however, it’s time to get technical. So, here are some alternative options for you to consider.

Fix 5: Turn On Facebook Messenger Notification

When you install a new app on any smartphone, the system immediately turns on its notification. Receiving a needless notification, on the other hand, might be extremely aggravating. As a result, the majority of us disable the notification for that particular app. As a result, you may not receive or receive messages and notifications on Facebook Messenger, or you may receive them late. It’s possible that you disabled the Facebook Messenger notification by accident or on purpose.

As a result, you’ll need to enable Facebook Messenger notifications as a workaround. Here are the actions you must take to accomplish this.

1. Go to the settings of your smartphone.

2. “Notification and Status Bar” should be selected.

3. Select “Manage Notifications” from the drop-down menu.

4. Look for Facebook Messenger in the list of apps accessible on your smartphone. Turn on the toggle bar. Turn off-on the notification if it’s already on.

That is all there is to it. Check to see whether the problem has been resolved. If it doesn’t work, move on to the next workaround.

Fix 6: Turn On Notifications From The App

The notification can be turned off on Facebook Messenger itself. Messenger will stop sending or delaying notifications or messages if you have disabled it by accident or on purpose. As a workaround, you’ll have to use the Messenger App to enable notifications. Here are the actions you must take to accomplish this.

1. On your smartphone, open the Facebook Messenger app.

2. Select your profile by tapping on it.

3. Select “Notification and Sounds” from the drop-down menu.

4. Toggle the toggle bar to the “On” position. If it’s already turned on, flip it off-on just in case.

If the problem had been caused by the Facebook notification settings in the Messenger app, it would have been resolved by now.

Fix 7: Enable App Permissions

If Facebook Messenger does not have access to all of the necessary permissions, it will not function optimally. So, here are the steps to giving Facebook Messenger all of the necessary permissions.

1. Go to the Settings page.

2. Go to App Management > App List > Facebook Messenger to complete the process.

3. Select “Permission” from the drop-down menu.

4. Check that the messenger has access to all of the necessary permissions. Above all, give Messenger permission to access your phone, SMS, and media.

Fix 8: Report the Issue to the Developers

Although the possibilities are slim, if the problem persists, your sole choice is to contact the Facebook Messenger engineers. Here’s how to contact the Facebook Messenger developer team with an issue.

1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your phone.

2. Select your profile photo.

3. Select “Report a technical issue” from the drop-down menu.

Enter the problem you’re having in the dialogue box that appears, then hit the “send” button.

In this video, we are gonna show you how to fix delayed notification on messenger app on Android phone:

Final Words

This is how you can resolve the issue with Facebook Messenger’s delayed messages or notifications. It’s our genuine hope that you have fixed the issue. Furthermore, if you know another way to remedy the problem, please feel free to leave a comment to share with our readers.

Facebook Messenger Delayed Messages or Notification
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