FIX: Your device is missing important security and quality fixes error in Windows 10

Thanks to Microsoft, Windows 10 users get updated pretty often. These updates help improve the operating system by fixing some of the bugs presents and making it more secure. However, there will be certain problems that happen when getting these updates. In this article, we will take a look at “Your device is missing important security and quality fixes” error message in Windows 10.

Your device is missing important security and quality fixes

Your device is missing important security and quality fixes

Here are the solutions:

How To Fix “Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes” Error in Windows 10

Method 1. Use Windows Update Troubleshooter

1. Click on Start > Settings.

2. Select Update & Security.

3. Select Troubleshooter. Under Get up and running section, click Windows Update.

Method 2. Download the most recent Servicing Stack Update (SSU)

1. Open Windows Settings.

2. Navigate to System.

3. In the left side-panel, scroll down until you see the About section. Click on it.

4. Under Device specifications, you’ll see System type.

5. Visit the official Microsoft Update Catalog webpage and download the latest SSU that matches your version. Then, restart your computer and check for updates.

Method 3. Manually reset Windows Update Service

The error could also be with the update service. To reset it manually, follow these steps below:

1. To begin, open a Command Prompt with administrator privilege. You can search for “cmd“, right-click on the result, and click “Run as administrator“.

2. When the Command Prompt window appears, type the following three commands sequentially and one by one and press Enter:

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptSvc

net stop bits

net stop msiserver

Ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

Ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.old

net start wuauserv

net start cryptSvc

net start bits

net start msiserver

3. Wait for the process to finish and check to see if Windows Update is working properly.

Check this video for more help:

Method 4. Reinstall Windows updates

1. Open Windows Settings > select Update & Security.

2. In the right section, you’ll see View update history. Click on it.

3. In the new window, select Uninstall updates.

4. Find the last Update for Microsoft Windows (KBxxxxxxx) and select it.

5. Click Uninstall and follow any additional on-screen instructions.

6. After the process has finished, navigate to Windows Update and check for updates. The problem should go away once the updates are reinstalled.

Hope something helps you. If you are aware of another method that lets you fix the “Your device is missing important security and quality fixes” error in Windows 10, feel free to post them in the comments section below.

FIX: Your device is missing important security and quality fixes error in Windows 10
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