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(SOLVED) iPhone error “The Device is unreachable” on Windows 10

In this tutorial, learn how to fix the error “The device is unreachable.” error when you try to copy videos or photos from the iPhone over to the Windows 10 PC.

You have connected your iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) with the lightening cable and are ready to copy videos and photos that you took on your Windows 10 PC. However, upon pasting the files to your designated location, you get the following error:

Error Copying File or Folder : The Device is unreachable

To fix this issue when copying files from your iPhone to your Windows 10 PC, here is fix:

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Fix: The Device is Unreachable When Copying Files From iPhone to Windows 10

Step 1. Disconnect your iPhone/iPad from your Windows 10 PC.

Step 2. Navigate to Settings on your iOS device.

Step 3. Click on Photos.

Step 4. Scroll to the bottom, locate “Transfer to Mac or PC“, change from Automatic to Keep Originals (“Automatically transfer photos and videos in a compatible format, or always transfer the original file without checking for compatibility.“)


Now connect again your iOS device to the Windows 10 PC and copy/paste the files again. You should be able to resolve the error.

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to fix the “Device is unreachable” error on iPhone

Hope something helps you.

(SOLVED) iPhone error “The Device is unreachable” on Windows 10
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