In this tutorial, learn how to install XAPK file on BlueStacks android emulator.
Xapk is a new file format consists of both APK and OBB. If you are downloading Apps from 3rd party sources and if the file size is very large having a combined installation package (.apk) + OBB data file. This tutorial will show you how to install XAPK file on Bluestacks.
Read more:
How To Install XAPK on PC With BlueStacks
Step 1. Download and install Bluestack on your PC. Visit this site download Bluestack latest version.
Step 2. After that, download & install XAPK Installer on Bluestacks.
Step 3. Next, download & install File Explorer Manager on Bluestacks.
Step 4. Open System App Select Media Manager on Bluestacks.
Step 5. Now, select Import Window File and choose XAPK File.
Step 6. Open File Explorer Manager, and go to Internal Storage/DCIM/SharedFolder. Copy or cut the XAPK file to Storage/emulated/0/Download Folder.
Step 7. Go back to Home screen, launch XAPK Installer and then install XAPK file.
Install XAPK file on BlueStacks
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How To Install XAPK on Bluestacks 4
Hope something helps you.