How to Fix Blurry Font Problem In Windows 10/11

Windows 10 is nowhere, with some fantastic improvements and allegedly, some technical issues. The new and improved Windows 10 is user-friendly and shares features with Windows 7, such as the start menu. It is faster and resumes faster, has better security features, and is built to integrate with existing software. While it handles existing applications correctly, there is a display problem.

The disadvantage of the new improved Windows 10’s high-resolution display is the appearance of unfocused or blurry fonts. Let’s take a closer look at the issue and its solution.

How to Fix Blurry Font Problem In Windows 10/11

Fix 1 – Changing the scaling settings manually

1. To open settings, press Windows + I.

2. Select System.

3. From the left menu, select display.

4. Select Advanced scaling settings.

5. Next, in the custom scaling area, insert the current scaling factor. As an example, if your current one is 100 percent, enter 100. Enter 125 if the percentage is 125.

6. Press the Apply button.

Now, restart your computer for the modifications to take effect.

Fix 2 – Change display settings for a particular app

1. In the Windows 10 search box, look for the software that is causing the blurry font issue.

2. Select Open File Location from the context menu when you right-click on the app.

3. Right-click the program and select Properties.

4. Select the Compatibility tab.

5. Select Change High DPI Settings from the drop-down menu.

6. Select the Use this setting to fix problems for this program option.

7. Select the Override High Dpi Scaling Behavior option as well.

8. Click OK to exit the window.

Fix 3 – Through settings panel

1. To open settings, press Windows + I.

2. Select System.

3. From the left menu, select display.

4. Select Advanced scaling settings.

5. Select Let Windows to try to fix apps so they are not blurry.

Fix 4 – Using Control panel

1. Press the Windows + R key simultaneously to enter the Run command box.

2. Type sysdm.cpl into it and press OK.

3. Next, select the advanced tab.

4. In the performance area, click on Settings.

5. Select Adjust for Best Appearance.

6. Press the Apply button.

Fix 5 – Using cleartype

1. Look for the ClearType font. To open a search result, click on it.

2. Check the Turn on Cleartype option and then click Next.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to determine which font looks best to you in order to set the optimal font for you.

You can checkout following video to demonstrate above steps:

Several users may have problems with Windows 10’s display functions. For starters, many texts, icon, and window decorations are difficult to read on high-resolution displays because they blur. Second, some desktop icons do not resize properly on high-resolution displays. When you have a screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 or above, the issue arises. The fonts get blurry/unfocused when the resolution is set too high.

How to Fix Blurry Font Problem In Windows 10/11
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