Windows 10 Free Apps

How to Enable Modern Flyout UI in Windows 11

In this post, learn you how to get Modern Flyouts in Windows 11 using a free app from the Microsoft Store.

Windows 11 includes a redesigned user interface, wallpapers, and icons. You also get a customizable color mode, graphic components, and more. If you are dissatisfied with the default customization options supplied by Windows 11, you can use third-party apps to further modify the OS.

We have discovered a third-party customization program that offers a fluent design flyout for Brightness, Airplane Mode, Volume, and Capslock. ModernFlyouts is a third-party program that lets you change the style of the old-fashioned flyout for audio, music, volume, capslock, airplane mode, and more.

How to get Modern Flyouts in Windows 11

So, if you want to enable a fluent design flyout in Windows 11, you’ve come to the perfect place. This post will walk you through the process of enabling fluent design flyout for Audio, Brightness, Capslock, Volume, and Airplane mode. Let’s go check it out.

Download ModernFlyouts

ModernFlyouts is a free application available on the Microsoft Store that replaces Windows’ default audio/airplane/brightness flyouts. It has a fully customisable flyout with a modern UI. Here’s how to use ModernFlyouts on Windows 11.

1. First, view the ModernFlyouts app listing page by clicking on this link. Click the Get button on the Microsoft Store app page.

2. Now, wait for the application to download and install. Once installed, open the application by clicking the open button.

3. To adjust the volume, press the keyboard key. There is now a new modern volume slider.

4. To configure the ModernFlyouts, open the system tray, right-click on the ToolTip icon, and select Settings.

5. This will launch the ModernFlyouts Settings page. You must select the Personalization tab.

6. On the Personalization page, you may change the Flyout theme, app theme, topbar visibility, opacity level, and so on.

7. Simply tweak everything to your specifications. To stop the ModernFlyouts, right-click on the ToolTip icon in the system tray and select Exit.

That’s all! This is how ModernFlyouts may be used to get a new Flyout UI on your Windows 11 operating system.

Windows 11 is a highly flexible desktop operating system, and ModernFlyouts extends its capabilities even further.

You can view the video below from the YouTube channel for a more in-depth tutorial:

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How to Enable Modern Flyout UI in Windows 11
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